You can see the available connections in the LAN and High-Speed Internet section of the Network Connections window.Download the UnderStorm Red Alert 2 Patch from wsock32dll and copy "wsock32.dll" from the downloaded archive to the root folder of your Red Alert 2 installation.As such, this guide will teach you how to configure both. Certain players on the Hamachi networks, for some reason, still flock to play on IPX. And should present itself as the de facto way to play Red Alert 2 on the LAN. This problem can be solved by using a patch to change Red Alert 2's IPX protocol into a UDP protocol.Furthermore, Windows Vista does not support the IPX protocol. Which is currently outdated, what this means is that there is little if not no support for it. Protocol is the language computers use to communicate, in our case, Red Alert 2 uses to communicate with other Red Alert 2s.As you can only play with someone with a similar version. This is not a required step, but assuming almost everybody has done so, it would be prudent if you do so too, to prevent future connection difficulties. And that would be 1.006 for Ra2 and 1.001 patches. Update your Red Alert 2 or Yuri's Revenge to the latest version.Choose a Hamachi nickname like this example player or player, its Russia country tag.

You can get it free from their website.Enter the XWIS nickname you created in the Game Account, along with the Game password also supplied.A nick is a nickname - it's what you'll be known as. Add a Red Alert 2 serial and create a nick.